The most exclusive and comprehensive sponsorship opportunity with maximum exposure to desired audience of qualified clients throughout the course of “Asia Pharma R&D Leaders Summit 2021”
Top-tier recognition as the Chairperson for conference day [1]
(5 Minutes) Welcome and introductory remarks at conference opening session
Corporate logo prominently to appear asPlatinum Sponsor on all marketing and promotional material, including: conference website (with corresponding links and profile), brochures and workbook etc.,
Keynote Speech: Golden [ 30*2] Minutes Presentation Slot on the conference days of your choice
Moderator/Lead at two panel discussion(s)
One-Day Chairperson Opportunity
Exhibition: [12M2] (4Mx3M)
[Two] Signage: 2M Height x0.8M Width
[Four] Pages [2-sided, Color] inserted A4-sized Ads within conference workbook
[One] Page White or editorial content within conference workbook
Corporate will have up to [8] complimentary conference passes for corporate executives
Corporate will have up to [6] complimentary VIP conference speaker passes for corporate clients to join the panel discussion
Company brochure to be distributed at the conference (in official delegate bag given to all delegates at all APRDL Summit 2023 Conference)
Corporate logo prominently to appear as Gold Sponsor on all marketing and promotional material, including: conference website (with corresponding links and profile), brochures and workbooks etc.
Keynote Speech: Golden [30*2] Minutes Presentation Slot on the conference days of your choice
Moderate/Join two panel discussion(s)
Half-Day Chairperson Opportunity
Exhibition: [12M2] (4Mx3M)
Signage: 2M Height x0.8M Width
[Two] Pages [2-sided, Color] inserted A4-sized Ads within conference workbook
[One] Page White or editorial content within conference workbook
Corporate will have up to [6] complimentary conference passes for corporate executives
Corporate will have up to [4] complimentary VIP conference passes for corporate clients
Company brochure to be distributed at the conference (in official delegate bag given to all delegates at all APRDL Summit 2023 Conference)
Corporate logo prominently to appear as Silver Sponsor on all marketing and promotional material, including: conference website (with corresponding links and profile), brochures and workbooks etc.
Keynote Speech: [30 Minutes] Presentation Slot on the conference days of your choice
Join two panel discussion
Exhibition: [9M2] (3Mx3M)
Signage: 2M Height x0.8M Width
[One] Page [1-sided, color] inserted A4-sized Ads within conference workbook
[One] Page White or editorial content within conference workbook
Corporate will have up to [4] complimentary conference passes for corporate executives
Corporate will have up to [4] complimentary VIP conference passes for corporate clients
Company brochure to be distributed at the conference (in official delegate bag given to all delegates at all APRDL Summit 2023 Conference)
Corporate logo prominently to appear as Thought Leadership Partner on all marketing and promotional material, including: conference website (with corresponding links and profile), brochures and workbooks etc.
Keynote Speech: [30 Minutes] Presentation Slot
Exhibition: [ 6M2 ] (3M*2M)
Signage: 2M Height x0.8M Width
[One] Page [1-sided, color] inserted A4-sized Ads within conference workbook
Corporate will have up to [3] complimentary conference passes for corporate executives
Company brochure to be distributed at the conference public booth space
Corporate logo prominently to appear as Spotlight Presentation Partner on all marketing and promotional material, including: conference website (with corresponding links and profile), brochures and workbooks etc.
Keynote Speech: [30 Minutes] Presentation Slot
Signage: 2M Height x 0.8M Width
[One] Page [1-sided, color] inserted A4-sized Ads within conference workbook
Corporate will have up to [3] complimentary conference passes for corporate executives
Company brochure to be distributed at the conference public booth space
Corporate logo prominently to appear as Exhibition Sponsor on all marketing and promotional material, including: conference website (with corresponding links and profile), brochures and workbooks etc.
Exhibition Space: [6 M2] (3Mx2M)
Signage: 2M Height x0.8M Width
[One] Page [1-sided, color] inserted A4-sized Ads within conference workbook
Corporate will have up to [3] complimentary conference passes for corporate executives
Corporate logo prominently to appear as Exhibition Sponsor on all marketing and promotional material, including: conference website (with corresponding links and profile), brochures and workbooks etc.
Exhibition Space: [6 M2] (3Mx2M)
Signage: 2M Height x0.8M Width
Corporate will have up to [3] complimentary conference passes for corporate executives
Post-conference Delegate Lists
Panel Sponsor – US$ 5,000 + 8% Tax [ CNY 32,500 ]
Corporate logo prominently to appear as Panel Sponsor on all marketing and promotional material, including: conference website (with corresponding links and profile), brochures and workbooks etc
Signage: 2M Height x0.8M Width
[One] Page [1-sided, color] inserted A4-sized Ads within conference workbook
Lead at one panel discussion or Join one panel Discussion
Corporate will have up to [2] complimentary conference passes for corporate executives
Corporate logo prominently to appear as Workbook Insert Sponsor on all marketing and promotional material, including: conference website (with corresponding links and profile), brochures and workbooks etc
Signage: 2M Height x0.8M Width
[One] Page [1-sided, color] inserted A4-sized Ads within conference workbook
Corporate will have up to [2] complimentary conference passes for corporate executives
The most exclusive and comprehensive sponsorship opportunity with maximum exposure to desired audience of qualified clients throughout the course of “ Asia Pharma R&D Leaders Summit 2021 ”
Co-Host and Naming Rights to the Half-day Conference Workshop in a Separate Conference Room
Top-tier recognition as the Workshop Chairperson
Corporate logo prominently to appear as forum partner on all marketing and promotional material, including: conference website ( with corresponding links and profile ), brochures and workbook etc.,
Keynote Speech: Golden [ 30 ] Minutes Presentation Slot within Conference Session
Workshop Presentation: Half Day Presentation Slot in the Workshop
Exhibition: [12M2] (4Mx3M)
[Two] Signage: 2M Height x0.8M Width
[Two] Pages [2-sided, Color] inserted A4-sized Ads within conference workbook
Corporate will have up to [8+] complimentary conference passes for corporate executives
Corporate will have up to [20+] complimentary VIP conference speaker passes for corporate clients to join the panel discussion
Company brochure to be distributed at the conference (in official delegate bag given to all delegates at all APRDL Summit 2024 Conference)
Post-conference Delegate Lists
US$ 4,000
LANYARDS**( Exclusive )
US$ 5,000
BADGES* ( Exclusive )
US$ 5,000
US$ 3,000
US$ 3,000
US$ 2,500
High visibility of corporate logo branding in the conference room, on sponsor boards and exhibition signage.
High visibility of corporate logo branding on all marketing and promotional material including conference website (with corresponding links), brochures, event guide etc.
Pre-arranged One-to-One Meetings Services
Self-Introduction & Cocktail Networking: Every attendee has around 30 seconds to introduce him/herself and the company’s core business and innovation to brand and build new valuable contacts